Monday, October 19, 2015

2nd Steve

I noticed Steve as I entered the Barnes & Noble in Sarasota.  He was sitting against the outside wall on top of a small bundle of his belongings. 

I introduced myself by telling him that I thought he had an interesting face and asked permission to photograph him for the 100 Strangers Project.  Before he agreed, Steve told me he was low on smokes and needed a dollar to buy a second pack.  He assured me that smoking was his only vice by saying “I don’t do drugs or alcohol and I have been smoking for 40 years, ever since I was 13 years-old.”

I call this portrait 2nd Steve because I photographed another Steve just a couple of weeks ago.  This Steve is # 11, in my ‘100 Strangers Project’.  Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group

Steve has lost touch with his mother and brother ever since he has been out on the streets, which he attributes to ‘mental issues’ caused by being abused as a child.  He was raised in Englewod, Florida a short distance from the Sarasota streets he now calls home.  Steve made a point of telling me that his great-grandmother was Italian and that he was 1/16 American Indian.

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