Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A real life inspiration

Janet is a real-life inspiration, she is a woman on a mission.  In homage to members of her family lost to cancer, Janet raises money that she uses to ease the lives of those currently suffering by taking care of mundane things most of us take for granted - food, medicine, fuel.  Thank you Janet, God Bless you!



Thursday, October 12, 2023

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

 Looking for a place to take the family or just walk around and enjoy? Then the Sarasota Jungle Gardens is the place.  The beautiful and colorful parrots, flamingoes, and butterflies seem to attract PEOPLE!  

At a recent visit, I met the director of education, Dr. Elizabeth and the dedicated grounds keeper, Brian.  Both are enthusiastic about keeping the Jungle Gardens a must-see spot in Sarasota.  

Dr. Elizabeth


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

More faces from October 7, 2023 - Sarasota, Kelby Walk

 This is Lionel an evangelist from Trinidad


This is Evelyn a photographer who likes to be called Evie 


This is Matt a bartender at the Ovation Hotel rooftop bar
