Sunday, January 30, 2022


 I met Peter while he was selling me cremation insurance - Cremation, the final frontier.  Peter is a Patriot.


 David is a relative new-comer to Florida.  He is a good husband, dad, granddad and friend.


 This is John, a retired law enforcement officer, excellent photographer and all-around good guy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Cas and Kasia

 Two wonderful people I have known for years.  I rarely present two people at one time but these two just belong together.

Thursday, January 6, 2022


 Melissa was a delight to speak with and to photograph.  She was a vendor at the recent Sarasota Medieval Fair, her smile is both genuine and dazzling. 

Riff Raff

This man, who introduced himself as simply, Riff Raff, is a chain smoking, motorcycle riding, retired law enforcement.  It was fun to chat with William, his real given name.