Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Paul September 2016

Ringling groundskeeper and entrepreneur.  I met Paul when I arrived at the Ringling for a mini-class in lighting.  He was feeding the Koi near the Muse Restaurant and when I noticed him, he beckoned me closer to photograph the Koi.  I was not too interested, because Koi are very difficult to photograph while they are swimming freely in a pond.
I learned that Paul was very proud of the Koi, because, although his job is groundskeeper, he was able to secure a donation that enabled the Ringling to stock the freshwater ponds on its grounds with these fish.
As we chatted, Paul informed me that he, along with his wife, were also the proprietors of a small company called ‘The House of the Broken Dragon’ which manufactures cotton kimonos in the Sarasota area.

You can view more street portraits and stories by visiting The Human Family group on Flickr
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I met Natalie at an exotic automobile show that her church was sponsoring. I attended with the express purpose of photographing cars.  Natalie was staffing the volunteer table when I stopped by, and judging by the look in her eyes, she thought I was a bit weird when I asked to photograph her, but she decided to humor me. 
In short order, we were laughing like we had known each other for a lifetime.  Natalie had just returned home from a mission trip to South America.
This is my 2nd submission to the Human Family group on Flickr.  Visit the group to see more portraits and learn more about us.